Footprint and Facilities
Footprint and Facilities
Across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond its borders, KFSHRC is recognized as a beacon of continuous innovation and outstanding care for the healthcare sector. Its facilities in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Madinah are among the most respected in the Kingdom, serving the diverse health and wellness needs of over 37,000 patients on a weekly basis in 2023.
Specialized Centers
Cancer Center
of Excellence
Center for
Genomic Medicine
Organ Transplant
Center of
Riyadh Branch
12 clinical facilities
58 support facilities
286 housing facilities
Education and training facilities
Research center
Animal laboratory and holding facility
~1,000,000 m2
1,519 beds
86.4% bed occupancy rate
Jeddah Branch
Clinical facilities
54 support facilities
2 housing facilities
Education and training facilities
~133,000 m2
524 beds
86.4% bed occupancy rate
Madinah Branch
Clinical facilities
19 support facilities
1 housing facility
Education and training facilities
~121,000 m2
400 beds
62.4% bed occupancy rate